#860000 color
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Needless to say, you're not supposed to be viewing these files I've written. I say: take a chance. You've come this far.
Some of the following information is true. Some of it's false, even ridiculous. Sometimes I know for sure, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'll lie. It doesn't matter. Whatever I've told you here, someone, somewhere believes it. And belief has power.
Realize also that the 909 Council might not even exist.
- Overview
- 909-1
- 909-2
- 909-3
- 909-4
- 909-5
- 909-6
- 909-7
- 909-8
- 909-9
- 909-10
- 909-11
- 909-12
- 909-13
- 909-14
- 909-15
- The Administrator
The 909 Council or The Fifteen Consulates.
The 909 Council is a secretive organization that is one of the most intriguing subjects in the world of anomalous phenomena. This council, composed of a select group of individuals possessing incredible knowledge and power, is believed to be responsible for overseeing and regulating many of the most dangerous and mysterious anomalies in existence.
While much about the 909 Council remains shrouded in secrecy, what is known is that its members are highly influential individuals who wield immense power and influence in the world of the anomalous. These individuals are believed to possess a deep understanding of the workings of reality itself, and to possess abilities that allow them to manipulate and control the very fabric of the universe.
The 909 Council is said to operate from a hidden location, inaccessible to all but a select few. It is rumored that the council's headquarters is located within a pocket dimension, accessible only to those who possess the knowledge and ability to enter it.
Despite the council's secrecy, there have been occasional glimpses into its workings over the years. These glimpses have revealed a highly structured organization, with members divided into various departments responsible for different aspects of anomaly regulation and containment.
The council's most notable achievement is its role in preventing the catastrophic consequences of numerous anomalous events. From containing world-ending phenomena to preventing the spread of deadly contagions, the council's actions have saved countless lives over the years.
However, not all believe that the council's intentions are entirely benevolent. Some have accused the council of using its power and influence to further its own agendas, or of being in league with other shadowy organizations with their own sinister goals.
Despite these controversies, one thing is certain: the 909 Council remains one of the most fascinating and mysterious organizations in the world of the anomalous. Whether one sees it as a force for good or for evil, there is no denying the immense power and influence wielded by this secretive group of individuals.
The significance of the 909 Council is as follows:
9: 9 Dimensions of Reality
0: Zero Tolerance for Anomalous Threats
9: 9 Essentials
This meaning implies that the Council's primary objective is to safeguard the multiverse by thwarting perilous anomalies from disrupting the very fabric of reality. The number 9 represents the various dimensions that the Council is responsible for monitoring and shielding, while the number 0 represents their uncompromising resolve to eliminate any anomalous threat, regardless of its source or form. Finally, the second 9 Essentials embody the fundamental values and aims of the Council in accomplishing their mission of defending the multiverse: Peace, Prosperity, Economy, Rebuild, Religion, Habitation, Triumph, Freedom, and Unity.
For the better part of my life, I have committed myself to the study of these beings, even at the risk of my own mortality. My efforts have led me to scour the extensive 909 Site Archives, unearthing the hidden truths about each and every Council Consulate. Brace yourself, for I will reveal their true natures and darkest desires, if indeed they can even be considered "human."
909-1: "The Tattletale"
Caucasian Male. Greek descent. Unknown date of birth.
909-1's codename is "The Tattletale". While it is unclear whether he chose his codename or it was bestowed upon him by the Tenth Consulate, the origin and meaning of the moniker remain shrouded in secrecy.
Although the The Tattletale's true identity remains unknown, it is rumored that he was once affiliated with a research consortium before becoming a founding member of the 909 Council. Unlike his peers, 909-1 appears to be a rather mundane and unremarkable individual.
However, this façade belies the fact that 909-1 possesses an extraordinary ability to see into the future through anomalous technology. Despite a 90% confirmation rate for his predictions, the origins and reliability of this technology remain unknown. Notably, 909-1 has foreseen several significant historical events, including the collapse of the 2nd Berlin Wall, the reunification of Germany after 15 years of division from the Venetian Imperial Republic, the fall of the Eurasian Federation, and the Arstotzka's 9/11.
It is worth noting that while 909-1 appears content with his ability, it is uncertain whether he intentionally developed it or if it was a side effect of his anomalous nature. Regardless, this unique capability makes him a valuable asset to the 909 Council, and his connections to O5-13 within the SCP Foundation only add to his enigmatic nature.
Note on 909-1
I put this bluntly, 909-1 seems a bit strange
ever since Ivan had made the dreaded
contract with death itself… my mind tells me
that he does not feel the same anymore.- 909-14
909-1: "Death"
Gender unknown. Descent unknown. Origin unknown. Age unknown. Appearance unknown.
The 909 Council has always been shrouded in mystery, but rumors of one of their most enigmatic members take the cake. Some say that the slot of 909-1 was created specifically for Death itself. The idea sounds preposterous, but according to some reports, it's possible that it could be true.
Known as "The Sage of the Living", Death is a prisoner of the 909 Council, yet also a member. It can cast its vote like anyone else, but the Council can control it by a majority vote. SCP-006 is nothing but a cover-up; the true longevity of the 909s stems from their control over Death. When necessary, the Council can order 909-1 to stay its hand from anyone in the world, though doing so weakens Death's chains, and the power is therefore rarely used.
However, there are conflicting reports about the Council's immortality. Some say it comes from imprisoning Death, while others believe the 909s reside in a location shielded from the processes that cause mortality. Some even claim that the Administrator, not 909-1, has taken over the role of Death.
But here's where things get even stranger: reports suggest that Death was bound to the Council by a bargain, in exchange for the life and Council seat of one Hudson Theodore, the former 909-1, also known as "The Tattletale". SCP-006 exists, but it's insufficient for the Council's purposes and has long since been exhausted. Hudson Theodore's body, which grants Death a Council seat, is said to be preserved somewhere in the South Atlantic.
This information contradicts other reports claiming 909-1 to be Death itself, but there's definitely something strange going on in the South Atlantic. Reports suggest an anomaly with antimemetic properties that match the description given in "The Swallowed Tail" source. Whatever is being hidden there remains a mystery.
909-1: "Do You Know The Muffin Man?"
Male. English heritage. Age unknown. Varying appearance.
909-1 stands as one of the most enigmatic and elusive members of the 909 Council. The origin and true identity of 909-1 remain shrouded in secrecy, with conflicting reports and tales that contribute to the mystery surrounding this peculiar man.
Among the myriad rumors surrounding 909-1, one intriguing speculation links him to the real nursery rhyme character, the Muffin Man of Drury Lane. According to certain unverified accounts, 909-1's true name could be Frederic Thomas Lynwood, who allegedly lived during the late 16th century. Reports suggest that Lynwood was a serial killer who cunningly lured innocent children with the promise of muffins, only to lead them to dark and sinister alleyways to kill them The gruesome events associated with Lynwood are said to have inspired the creation of the "Do You Know The Muffin Man?" nursery rhyme.
However, it is vital to note that these accounts lack substantial evidence, and the connections between 909-1 and the historical figure remain speculative at best.
Unlike other members of the 909 Council, 909-1 has never been observed inside and outside the confines of 909 Command. This observation has led to varying accounts among personnel regarding his true nature.
Some among the lower-ranking staff believe that 909-1's slot remained vacant for an extended period, suggesting that he might have been absent or inactive. This theory changed drastically when, by seemingly inexplicable means, an elderly man transformed into a significantly younger individual, leading to the speculation that this rejuvenation might be connected to SCP-006. However, concrete evidence supporting this notion remains elusive.
The accounts surrounding 909-1's true identity vary significantly within the Council ranks. Low-level junior staff, including Junior Researchers and low-ranking agents, often speculate that "Do You Know The Muffin Man?" is the genuine 909-1, while middle-level staff believe he might be the founder of the 909 Council. However, the Council members themselves vehemently deny any definitive conclusions regarding 909-1, particularly their real founder, 909-15.
909-2: "The Assassin"
Female. Asian descent. Japanese origin. 30+ years old
909-2, also known as "The Assassin," is a female member of the 909 Council of unknown age and descent, though she is believed to be of Japanese origin. Her exact identity and full name are unknown, but she was previously known as Sakura, and is reported to have a skin disease that causes her appearance to deteriorate every 5 years.
While her primary job used to be to dispose of the bodies of individuals killed by 909-1, she now serves as an assassin for the Council. She is known to be a talented artist and a mathematical genius, capable of calculating probabilities in her mind. It is rumored that she may have been the controller of the machine beneath Yellowstone, though this remains unconfirmed and that member is likely 909-4.
One remarkable aspect about 909-2 is her reputation as one of the most dangerous members of the Council. Often referred to as "A Shadow in the Dark," she is known for stealthily hiding in darkness to seek out unsuspecting targets. In addition to her formidable skills as an assassin, she possesses a remarkable aptitude for mathematics, reportedly capable of performing intricate probability calculations in her mind. As a well-known and skilled assassin, she is capable of eliminating individuals who either leak information about them or who try to kill the Consulates.
909-2 is an elusive figure, making her one of the most sinister and difficult-to-reach operatives within the Council. If someone is determined to assassinate her, she has an uncanny ability to sense their presence and vanish before they can lay eyes on her. Even other Council members, like 909-8, fear her. While she has been observed accompanied by a small number of armed guards, she often travels alone, particularly favoring Tiananmen Square as her solitary destination.
909-2: "Shadowstrike"
Male. South American descent. Unknown origin. 40+ years old.
909-2 is a male operative of the 909 Council. Known for his exceptional skills in stealth and combat, 909-2 is a formidable assassin and a trusted enforcer within the Council.
With a wealth of experience and expertise, 909-2 operates in the shadows, striking swiftly and decisively to eliminate targets designated by the Council. He possesses a range of specialized training, including martial arts, weapon proficiency, and strategic planning.
909-2 is a master of evasion, often eluding detection and slipping away unnoticed from potential threats. His calm and composed demeanor allows him to make calculated decisions even in high-pressure situations. Despite his lethal abilities, he maintains a strict code of honor and only eliminates those deemed threats to the Council's interests.
His reputation as an assassin of unparalleled skill and efficiency has earned him both respect and fear from his peers. 909-2's loyalty lies unwaveringly with the Council, and he is known to carry out their orders without question, ensuring their secrets remain protected.
909-2: "The Broker"
Female. European descent. Polish origin. Appears to be 30+ years old.
909-2 is a female member of the influential 909 Council. The Broker serves a crucial role within the Council as their financial mastermind and strategist.
Renowned for her expertise in the intricate world of high-stakes finance, 909-2 possesses an exceptional understanding of global markets, investments, and economic systems. She orchestrates complex financial operations, ensuring the Council's vast resources remain protected and continually grow.
Her codename, "The Broker," reflects her ability to navigate the shadows of international banking, utilizing her extensive network of contacts and financial acumen to manipulate markets, launder money, and acquire substantial wealth for the Council's operations.
909-2's mastery of financial engineering extends to the realm of information, where she leverages her connections to gather valuable intelligence and exploit market vulnerabilities. Her skills in negotiation and persuasion make her an indispensable asset in striking lucrative deals and establishing influential partnerships
909-3: "The Mercenary"
Male. Latasian descent. Kolechian origin. 60+ years old.
909-3 was initially assigned to alert the Council of impending attacks, ranging from natural disasters to human-made threats. However, his connection to Dr. Bright of the SCP Foundation and alleged ties to Kolechian smuggling to Arstotzka have led to a change in his role within the Council. It is believed that 909-3 has been working within the SCP Foundation for most of his life, having joined as an administrative aid in 1957 before being removed for unknown reasons.
After the Council deemed 909-3's old role unsatisfactory, he was given the new role of a mercenary. He has since been involved in staging coups, inciting rebellions, and invading countries, including Syria and Iraq. Despite being the most often seen member of the Council, 909-3 remains an enigmatic figure, with little known about his ultimate goals.
909-3's reputation as "The Mercenary" and "The Trap" has led to widespread fear and mistrust among Council staff. He is considered the most sinister member of the Council, with only 909-11 being considered more dangerous due to their anomalous abilities. Despite being the apparent leader of the Council in the absence of 909-15, a veto from the latter could potentially subvert 909-3's assumed control, although such an event has not occurred.
Note: Some information regarding 909-3's past has been modified or removed from records, and the extent of his involvement with the SCP Foundation is unclear.
909-3: "Frostbite"
Female. Unknown descent. Russian origin. 60+ years old.
909-3 is a skilled operative from Russia with Siberian heritage. As a member of the 909 Council, her expertise lies in covert operations and strategic planning. With years of experience, Frostbite has honed her skills in intelligence gathering, sabotage, and subterfuge.
Her codename reflects her cold and calculated approach to her assignments, leaving her targets frozen in fear. Known for her icy demeanor and precise execution, Frostbite is a force to be reckoned with within the Council. Her ability to navigate complex situations and adapt to changing circumstances has earned her a reputation as a highly effective operative.
909-3: "Eclipse"
Female. Latasian descent. Kolechian origin. 50+ years old.
909-3 is a seasoned operative within the 909 Council. With her Kolechian origins and Latasian heritage, she possesses a unique perspective and a deep understanding of the region. Known for her strategic brilliance and unmatched resourcefulness, Eclipse is a master of covert operations and intelligence gathering.
Her codename reflects her ability to operate discreetly, obscuring her true intentions and casting a shadow of mystery upon her actions. Eclipse is a force to be reckoned with, capable of navigating complex webs of intrigue and unraveling hidden truths.
909-4: "The Historical Archivist"
Male. Portuguese origin. 40+ years old
909-4, known as "The Historical Archivist," is a mysterious figure of Portuguese origin with a twisted past. It is believed that he assumed the role of 909-4 after his sister was killed by 909-14 for attempting to harm 909-15, possibly on orders from the latter.
Originally known as Francisco de la Roche, a writer with strong ties to the Wanderer's Library, 909-4 possesses a vast knowledge of the Council's involvement in previous end-of-the-world scenarios. He maintains a meticulous record of every activity on Earth since he joined the Council, which is utilized in the operation of the machine beneath Yellowstone. O5-10 is also believed to be involved in this project.
However, one source describes 909-4 as the most bloodthirsty member of the Council, viewing himself and the Council as divine and above natural laws. In his eyes, normal humans are nothing more than tools to achieve a greater understanding of universal truth.
Rumors suggest that 909-4 played a key role in the founding of the Council, but he despises the presence of 909-13 for reasons unknown. When questioned about his hatred towards her, he remains silent, leaving many to speculate on what truly drives his dark desires.
909-4: "The Portman"
German Male. Western European Descent. 30+ years old.
909-4, a prominent member of the 909 Council, was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. His area of expertise lies in biology, specifically focusing on anomalies within the human population. He dedicated his studies to understanding these anomalies and their implications.
909-4 actively shared his experiences and knowledge with fellow biologists. His encounters with anomalies were relayed to others, providing valuable insights into the presence of these phenomena. However, despite his extensive research, 909-4 had not personally witnessed any anomalies himself. This discrepancy led him to question his own mental state, feeling as though he was veering towards insanity.
In pursuit of further investigation, 909-4 made the decision to separate from his family and establish his research base in the Harz Mountains. This remote location served as his sanctuary, allowing him to delve deeper into his studies away from distractions.
Regrettably, 909-4's mission took an unforeseen turn. Instead of discovering new anomalies, he found himself face-to-face with a perilous unknown entity. This encounter resulted in a fatal confrontation, leaving his body destroyed and life extinguished. Miraculously, the 909 Administrator managed to reanimate 909-4, integrating him into the ranks of the 909 Council.
909-5: "Greed"
East Asian male. Unknown Origin. 40+ years old
Origin and descent of 909-5 are unknown, though physical appearance and attire suggest an East Asian male, likely above 40 years of age. He is considered a highly intelligent Consul within the 909 Council and is believed to be the financier of the Council.
While he is a well-known figure in financial markets, he rarely appears publicly and dresses in expensive, tailored clothing with similarly costly jewelry. He is also known to wear a top hat. There is a strong suspicion of anomalous influence at play. 909-5 maintains financial accounts and manipulates trade markets in order to accrue wealth for the Council and himself.
However, he has shown no mercy towards humanity and is reputed to harbor an intense hatred for our kind. Council members tend to avoid him due to his unpredictable and ruthless nature, with reports suggesting he may even threaten humans for money.
Some speculate that 909-5 may embody the deadly sin of Greed itself. Obsessed with modifying his body and soul with anomalous technology and artifacts, he has become increasingly paranoid and is obsessed with the idea that other Council members may want to kill him.
It is rumored that 909-5 has members of his own staff seated at high-level positions on financial boards for all major world governments, giving him considerable influence and power. However, in recent times, his influence within the Council has dwindled, with many speculating that he has become too consumed with his own greed to effectively contribute to the Council's goals.
909-6: "The Humanitarian"
Caucasian male. Nordic features. Looks to be in his early 20s
909-6, also known as "The Humanitarian," was a man of great intelligence and respect within the 909 Council. He was known for his kind and compassionate nature, a rarity among the often ruthless council members. His former name was Tristan Everett Fischer, and he had worked as a gun maker before joining the council.
Despite his achievements, 909-6's life was tragically cut short. In the year 2000, a competition was held between 909-6 and 909-10 to determine who was the better comedian. 909-6, who had never tried his hand at comedy, won the competition, causing 909-10 to become enraged. In 2004, 909-10 snuck into 909-6's room and shot him dead. 909-10 was later terminated for his actions.
Despite his untimely death, 909-15 wished to bring 909-6 back to life. Taking blood samples from 909-6, he turned him into a robot, forever preserving his memory and legacy. On the same day, 909-1 made a deal with Death, adding another layer of mystery and intrigue to the already enigmatic 909 Council.
909-6: "H.U.M.A.N.I.T.A.R.I.A.N."
909-6, also known as H.U.M.A.N.I.T.A.R.I.A.N., was a Caucasian male with Nordic features who was killed on May 7th, 2004. His closest friend, 909-15, took blood and skin samples and turned him into a robot, which still operates and performs the same tasks as the former 909-6 did.
Prior to his death, 909-6's job was to spread happiness wherever he went. However, the robot form does not do as good of a job in achieving this. Despite his popularity and respect within the council, his kindness ultimately led to his demise.
909-15 terminated 909-10 for betraying and committing a felony against 909-6, and subsequently broke the 25th 909 Act: "A 909 Consulate shall not commit a felony against another another Consulate, nor shall they to the same to an Overseer." However, the robot form of 909-6 is not immortal since it was not included in the Contract with Death, which only contains his human name, Tristan Everett Fischer, written by 909-15 after his death.
H.U.M.A.N.I.T.A.R.I.A.N. stands for "Hypothetical Union of Mankind Altruistically Nurturing Individuals, Transcending All Races, Ideologies, and Nations." Although his files have been partially forgotten by the council's actions, his legacy and influence on the council still remain.
909-7: "The Other Consulate"
An Elderly Male of Danish and Canadian descent, Age is confirmed to be seventy-eight today in 2005.
This Council member is unique in that they were recruited from the Council Task Force (CTF). Despite certain inconsistencies, this elderly male bears an uncanny resemblance to Nathaniel Jameson MacKenzie, a former agent who committed suicide in 1948 following a scandal involving academic misconduct that destroyed his professional reputation and resulted in multiple lawsuits for fraud and the misuse of public funding.
909-7's reluctance to choose a title for themselves resulted in the moniker "The Other Consulate". They are known for their bravery as a soldier and for recruiting 909-13 to the Council, a decision that stands in contrast to the Foundation's typical practice of administering amnestics to individuals who possess knowledge of anomalous objects and phenomena.
Thanks to their scientific background, 909-7 is a highly focused research mind within the Council. They are constantly engaged in several major projects at any given time, some of which have yielded technologies that the SCP Foundation has implemented in significant applications, including the Kant Counter.
909-8: "The Governor"
African-American Female. She is in about 30+ years of age
Formerly known as Kendra Wintersmith, though some accounts claim her to be Taylor Cunningham. She was previously a scientist at Site-01, where she worked alongside Researchers Beynard and Noire on the creation of the Beynard-Noire Array. Following the completion of the project, she was appointed as Minister to Gahalika, where she is believed to have first encountered The Administrator.
Despite her elderly appearance, 909-8 is one of the youngest members of the 909 Council, though the source of her longevity prior to the supposed deal with Death remains unknown. She is known for her lack of subtlety and is credited with founding the Council's first task force, "The Originals," which was created to eliminate members of the Chaos Insurgency after their formation.
Currently, 909-8 oversees the Department of Applied Influence, which includes all of the Council's task forces, naval groups, and air superiority groups. While she was not originally in favor of its formation, she now manages all matters related to the Council's executive arm.
In the 909 Site Archives, which houses the Council's estate files, 909-8 is described as an "unstoppable force capable of creating zombies" and someone who "assumes control over the Texan military." While her exact position within the military remains unknown, several sources have confirmed that she holds significant authority and is considered second only to the President by many military leaders.
909-9: "The Vassal"
European Female. German in appearance. Age is only speculated and is uncertain.
909-9, codenamed "The Vassal," is known to have co-founded the Department of Paranormal Organization Review within the SCP Foundation. There are several unusual reports surrounding 909-9, including claims that she has been heard speaking to herself as if having a conversation and that individuals who have spoken to her have felt as though they were not speaking to the same person when they spoke to her again later.
909-9 is a prolific researcher of alternate realities and personally reviews anomalies that interact with other dimensions. Her anomalous abilities are said to have come from an accident at a nuclear power plant where she worked during her time on the Council, resulting in her obtaining radioactive abilities. Although the power plant and surrounding landscape were destroyed, 909-9 anomalously survived the accident.
It is rumored that the accident resulted in the deaths of 762 people who worked at the power plant and 5,102 innocent civilians, and that news reports on the event were subsequently covered up by the 909 Council. Anyone who heard about the incident was reportedly amnesticized, and the event was forgotten by the public.
909-10: "The Molter"
Male. Unknown descent. Unknown origin. Unknown age.
According to 909-15, 909-10 is a former Union General named David Hunter, who later became a comedian and a compassionate young man. He is said to have founded the 909 Site Archives where the Council's archives are kept.
909-10 possesses powers that allow him to control the world and manipulate people as puppets for his own entertainment. He is known to enjoy watching people suffer, and has access to certain abilities that protect him from criminal charges. He is also known to wear a red stovepipe hat, which may possess anonymous powers, including the ability to bring the dead back to life.
Referred to as "The Molter" by 909-15, 909-10 is capable of creating objects out of his own hands and bears a striking resemblance to a Union General who served in the American Civil War. He is often seen wearing a Union general suit and carrying a 1800s-style rifle, with many belt-marks on his side.
Information about 909-10 is limited due to the Council burning all of his files and amnesticizing anyone who knew about him. According to the 9th 909 Act, "A Consulate killed by another Consulate can be replaced, but a Consulate killed for a felony shall not be replaced." 909-10 was terminated by 909-7's soldiers and his family was also murdered, with everyone who knew them being amnesticized.
Despite the lack of information, some people still remember 909-10, but most of them have been executed, died of natural causes, or succumbed to diseases.
909-11: "The Chimera"
Unknown Gender. Unknown Descent, but appears to be French. Unknown age
909-11, known as "The Chimera," is a master of deception and one of the most difficult members of the 909 Council to identify. They appear as a wealthy individual, often dressed in extravagant clothing, and serve as the primary disinformation entity within the Council. With access to amnestics from the SCP Foundation, they are able to maintain cover stories and manipulate information to suit the Council's needs.
The true identity of 909-11 is shrouded in mystery, and their appearance is known to shift drastically, ranging from that of a young child to a middle-aged balding man. This is due to their incredible polymorphic abilities, allowing them to change their identity at will and remain undetected.
Due to their ambiguous gender, 909-11 is always referred to using they/them pronouns. However, one source has suggested that 909-11 may actually be male. The file mentions a former Chaos Insurgency agent named Jean-Luc Dubois. It is unclear what happened to Dubois. It is possible that 909-3 took him, or that he met his end, or that he simply joined the Council on their behalf.
The true nature and motivations of 909-11 remain a mystery, but their skills in deception and polymorphism make them an extremely dangerous member of the 909 Council. Reports suggest that they may be a sibling of O5-11, though this remains unconfirmed.
909-12: "The Terrorist"
Male. Saudi/Syrian Ancestry. Saudi Origin. Iranian Heritage. Early 20s or mid 60s.
909-12, known as "The Terrorist," is often unfairly labeled as such due to his Saudi Arabian nationality. It's believed that his codename was suggested by 909-10, who may have held prejudiced views. Some have even spread rumors that he operates out of a secret base located near a Thai washing store, although the origins of these claims are unknown and questionable.
When the Council requires a stern and persuasive representative, they call upon 909-12. Despite his aging and balding appearance, he possesses an anomalous charisma that allows him to effectively sell the Council's agenda. His first task involved diverting the attention of Peru and Colombia away from Ecuador, where anomalous activity was rampant.
Despite his eloquence and apparent education, 909-12 is not an academic nor a natural leader. He tends to delegate responsibilities in order to avoid taking on too much himself. This characteristic was exploited by 909-3, who secured an unofficial "automatic vote" from the Terrorist for any cause he supported.
909-13: "The All-Seeing Eye"
Unknown age. Unknown gender. Unknown ethnicity… Or… They could be a Female. Swahili origin. I would say that they could be atleast 12 years of age
909-13 is a mysterious entity of unknown age, gender, and ethnicity. Some sources suggest that they could potentially be a young Swahili female in their teenage years, likely around 12 or 30 years of age.
The origin story of 909-13 is unclear, but it is said that they were a victim of child neglect whose parents were imprisoned. They endured mistreatment due to the Apartheid system in South Africa until encountering an SCP that breached containment. The Council's CTF and 909-7, then known as Agent MacKenzie, were able to contain the SCP and save 909-13.
Despite encountering an SCP, 909-13 was not given amnestics like the Foundation usually does, but rather recruited to the Council as a Consulate. 909-13's exceptional intelligence and aptitude for science have been noted, and they are described as a level-headed and compassionate individual.
However, there are conflicting reports about 909-13's true nature. Some believe that they may not be human at all, but rather an artificial intelligence designed to create other AIs. Little is known about their physical appearance, as they have only been observed through avatars on screens and speak with a digitally constructed voice.
The only image of 909-13 that has been found depicts a young Tanzanian teenage girl, but this is unsupported by other claims about their identity. Due to the lack of concrete information, some Council members and staff refer to 909-13 as "The Kid."
909-14: "The Canaanite"
Female. Russian Origin. Looks to be 20+ years old.
Little is known about the elusive 909-14, codenamed "The Canaanite." She is of Russian origin and appears to be in her twenties, but beyond that, there is no concrete information available about her. The origin of her name is a mystery as well.
One thing that is known about her is that she is always seen in the company of 909-15, and she has changed over time. Early records suggest that she was once the second-in-command of the 909 Council, although it's unclear if she ever actually held that position.
Interestingly, there is a rumor that her name may come from the fact that she is never seen without 909-15, leading some to believe that she is the lover of the mysterious Council member. However, the origins of this rumor are unknown, and it's unclear what evidence, if any, exists to support it.
Occasionally, she can be seen wearing a white turtleneck, which some speculate may be an attempt to conceal a decapitation scar on her neck. There have been many speculations about her true identity, with one promising lead suggesting that she might be the Apostle Bartholomew. This misunderstanding has led to violence in the past, with some people believing that she was actually the apostle and attempting to harm her.
909-15: "The Founder"
Eastern European Descent. Russian Male. Verified age is 315 years old.
According to reports, 909-15 is believed to be the Consulate who established the 909 Council. He is thought to be the most powerful member of the Council, having survived to his current age through the use of the Fountain of Youth. However, little is known about his personal life and background, except that he became associated with "The Administrator" at the mid 18th century.
909-15 led the first research team that eventually became the 909 Council, along with other members such as 909-1, 909-4, and 909-14. The events that led to his founding and leadership of the Council are shrouded in mystery.
Despite having been involved in the Council's daily operations in the past, 909-15 has withdrawn from public life in recent decades and has not been seen in public. However, a high-level source claims that he continues to participate in Council meetings and cast his vote.
According to his profile in the 909 Site Archives, "909-15 is an unstoppable, fearsome, and dangerous man, appearing to be 60 years old despite being 315 years old. He has romantic feelings for his lover, 909-14, and his death has been assumed on multiple occasions, yet he always votes in Council meetings."
The archives suggest that 909-15 was born around 1690 and founded the 909 Council of Estates and Power, which later became the 909 Council, in 1766 at the age of 76. He has lived on for over 300 years since then.
Remarkably, the files were written by 909-15 himself, using a formal tone and the name Ivan Hilohiko. It is also noted that the current President of Arstotzka, who is missing, was his brother.
The Administrator: "Deepwave"
Unknown Origin. Unknown Descent. Unknown Age. We do know he is male.
Whispers within the Council suggest that Alexander Conch, a name reminiscent of the conch shell symbolizing the sea's depths, may be the true founder of the organization. Unlike the renowned Fritz Willie, the Administrator remains an uncertainty, always concealed behind a dark ski mask and a sleek black suit.
Some believe that the 909 Administrator is nothing more than a fabrication by the Council, a specter designed to intimidate opposition into submission. It is possible that Alex Conch is a mere product of their imagination, and one of the five proposals could be the actual Administrator. The other four proposals may be whimsical creations of 909-11, the Chief Disinformation Officer.
Alternatively, the Administrator might not exist at all, or perhaps their nature is more sinister, akin to the Devil himself. However, such notions lack substantial evidence to support them.
The only reference to the Administrator comes from a single file in the 909 Council's writings, labeled 909-██. Although it is impossible to determine the author definitively, I suspect The Chimera due to their distinguishable handwriting, which I have been training myself to recognize.
Within this file, the Administrator declares, "Fear not, for I, Alexander Hilbert Conch, your Administrator, am on the case!" However, whether these words truly belong to the real Administrator or are yet another ruse perpetrated by the 909 Council remains a mystery waiting to be uncovered by those brave enough to seek the truth.
The Administrator: "The Phoenix"
Male. European Descent. Appears to have British/French ancestry.
Christopher Walker, commonly known as The Phoenix, emerges as a potential candidate for the true Administrator. His name appears in every file regarding the Council's formation. According to records, Walker was a close friend of Ivan Hilohiko and, along with Antonina and others, played a key role in the Council's inception in London (or Paris) in 1766.
Among the proposals, Walker stands out due to his background story, although heavily redacted. It is known that he met Ivan in 1701, possibly in Paris, London, or Russia, and separated in 1703 when Ivan was left alone in the newly built St. Petersburg.
Walker's death was presumed in 1926, allegedly at the hands of 909-15, the leader of the The Finger of God project, also known as Ivan himself, in their conflict against the Kingdom of Abaddon.
However, the Administrator's death was merely a ruse. Evidence from the 909 Site-Archives indicates that "Administrator Walker has been murdered; the measure passes. He shall return at the end, and at the end, it will start over once again." This statement may or may not suggest that when the Council falls, the Administrator will return.
Interestingly, Administrator Walker did not sign the Council's contract with Death, implying that he is not immortal like the other Consulates. Although the Administrator's true identity and nature remain shrouded in mystery, Christopher Walker undoubtedly holds a significant place in their history.
The Administrator: "I Am The Shadowmaster"
Male. Spanish/Moroccan ancestry. Possibly around his late or middle fifties.
Identifying this individual proves challenging, as depictions often portray a tall figure dressed formally, always carrying a black leather briefcase. The name remains obscured, with only the initials D. S. R. revealed, leaving uncertainty as to whether the name was intentionally censored or if the Administrator never possessed a name to begin with. Based on the available information, it is speculated that his name may be Daniel S█████ R███████.
Little else is known about Administrator Daniel's true nature or the contents of his briefcase. Speculation abounds, suggesting that it might contain launch codes or weapons. While not as enigmatic as Administrator Conch, Daniel rarely ventures beyond the confines of the 909 Command, and if he were indeed real, he would likely not be amicable.
Despite being an official proposal, the 909 Council has not issued any statements about Daniel since his inception. Even the writer of his profile, 909-4, has remained silent. 909-4 authored Daniel's profile in 1989, and as of 2005, there have been no significant updates regarding Administrator Daniel's existence or status. In my assessment, I believe that Administrator Walker is the true Administrator.
The Administrator: "[EZEKIEL]"
Possibly male. Babylonian decent. Jewish origin.
Proposed as the fourth Administrator, [EZEKIEL] is believed to be a male with Babylonian roots and Jewish heritage. The name is reminiscent of the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel, credited with authoring the Book of Ezekiel containing prophecies about Jerusalem's destruction and the restoration of Israel. It remains unclear whether Administrator [EZEKIEL] represents an actual individual resurrected from ancient times or a creation of the 909 Council.
While some speculate that Administrator [EZEKIEL] might be the genuine Prophet Ezekiel from antiquity, this seems highly unlikely. The true identity and background of [EZEKIEL] remain veiled in mystery, leaving ample room for speculation and interpretation.
The Administrator: "The Seed"
Regrettably, all files related to The Seed are redacted. However, I discovered an unredacted source shedding light on the matter. It states, "The Administrator is nothing more than a suit in a boardroom, a signature on a document, a voice on the phone." This phrase feels familiar, reminiscent of Christopher Walker's fate, the Council's first Administrator. Intrigued, I delved further, finally uncovering the answer.
The truth is that the 909 Council is bound to the fabric of reality and to a consciousness that identifies itself as The Administrator. This being, although intrinsically linked to the Council, is not truly a part of it. It exists to fulfill the Council's original purpose of containing world-ending phenomena, eradicating contagious diseases, and preserving lives at any cost. Those who attempt to disrupt this mission become entangled in its vortex.
Christopher Walker was not The Administrator; instead, he served as the Council's first Administrator. The Administrator, according to its own admission, emerged as a consciousness when a part of Christopher Walker became entwined with the fabric of reality and the nature of the Council itself. This new, emergent being adopted the name The Administrator and has persisted within the Council ever since.
I am well aware that my research could cost me my life, but that does not matter. I have dedicated six years of my life to understanding and documenting the 909 Council, and I am willing to make this sacrifice.
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